I don't eat enough cabbage probably because I don't really like it. I don't hate it like I do cauliflower (with a passion). But I probably didn't give cabbage a fair shake. So I thought, why not make a cabbage slaw for a change?
I followed this recipe but made a couple of modifications. First, instead of using two types of cabbages, I used red cabbage and a medium carrot instead. Second, for the dressing, I used about a tablespoon of agave as a sweetener instead of sugar. I love agave in margaritas, so I know that agave complements lime juice very well. The result is a crisp and refreshing slaw -- just a little spicy and tart. Perfect for a warm spring day.
We cannot be vegetable buddies. Cabbage and cauliflowers are probably in my top 10 favorites. ~P